Thank goodness seniors have wisdom, creativity and the confidence to draw upon them in a time of crisis. The bad news is everywhere – either you’re at risk for becoming infected by the Corona Virus or you’re told to think positive and have patience. Neither is effective. We all draw upon our experiences from other trying times and that is where being a senior is so helpful. There have been many of both!
As of Sunday, 3/22/20 here are the statistics:
- 310,000 confirmed cases of Corona Virus in the world
- 30,000 confirmed cases of Corona Virus in the United States (37 have died)
- 836 confirmed Corona Virus cases in Florida (13 have died)
- Jails are releasing “non-violent” prisoners from jail to prevent the spread of Corona Virus
- Marriott has let furloughed service people and their corporate offices, at least 30,000 staff and corporate staff have been or will be laid off within the next week – at least half of that is in the US.
- Most restaurants are closed and the servers/chefs/managers laid off – there are no numbers yet because it’s in the thousands and all were let go within the space of a week
When all is said and done, more will have lost their jobs or their business from the Corona Virus than will have gotten ill from it. Yet, what is to be done? Without reliable tests and the option to be tested, we don’t feel safe. It’s the fear of the unknown. No longer does rational thinking prevail.

When we turn on the TV there are no sports! When you look at your calendar, all events have been canceled! Life is not normal. There is no way to know your Covid 19 status unless there is a test and tests are limited to emergency personnel and symptomatic people. Until we feel safe, we can’t help but worry that “it could be me.” It’s discombobulating!
The good news, Miami-Dade is opening up a testing site at Marlins Park. There is no date yet but ‘hope is in sight’. That will help assuage fears – we can go get tested. Who knows, soon little islands like Key Biscayne might have a testing site!
In the meantime, use the time to catch up with old friends – phone or facetime. Learn how to use ZOOM so you can attend meetings and at least SEE others! Figure out all the shortcuts on your Smart Phone – who knows, you might become as smart as it is!! Spring clean . . . do anything to drown out the annoying little devil reminding us of all the reasons it SHOULD be me who gets sick!! Each of our lives is worthwhile – live it!